Every year, our consultants at Kimmel & Associates engage in thousands of conversations with construction professionals nationwide. These conversations give us a unique perspective on the construction industry, and our goal is to use the information we gather to serve the industry.
To that end, we are pleased to offer the 2022 Kimmel & Associates Heavy Civil Compensation Review. This review provides average compensation rates for a wide range of positions within the heavy civil construction sector. Please keep in mind that there is no “standard” compensation rate for any position. Specific compensation rates will vary depending on title, company, industry, and geographic region. As such, this review is intended as a starting place for further research rather than a precise measurement of exact figures. Please give us a call; our consultants would be happy to discuss more detailed information as it relates to a specific position or company.
We are grateful to those who helped us compile this data and to those who provided feedback on previous compensation reviews. We hope you find this information to be beneficial, and we look forward to continuing to serve the construction industry.